online exhibition

May 2013 |

Alia Farid "Siembra tu Siyadeh" [2013, MAY]


Text by: Christina Grammatikopoulou

Images of workshop taken by Abdulwahid Jiménez. Click on any image to launch gallery.


Aunque sepa los caminos  
yo nunca llegaré a Córdoba
Federico García Lorca


An unknown road can lead to a familiar place; a hidden corner of our mind where personal experience and culture rest, to come to the surface through complex associative paths. Things that we always carry with us, like a siyadeh.

Apr 2013 |

Fabrizio Contarino "PIGS POWER" [2013, APR]


 Text by: Lucila Vilela

Click on any image to view gallery

2012, in progress

"Now is time swollen to the limit"
Clarice Lispector

Feb 2013 |

Giba Duarte "Total Cinema" [2013, FEB]


Text by: Fernando Boppré


Click on any image to view gallery


This system of visiting others’ anguish in order to reduce the intensity of my own has always worked well for me

 Enrique Vila-Matas


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