Jul 2011 |

Ver bailar a Israel Galván | LUCILA VILELA


No es casualidad que Georges Didi-Huberman haya dedicado todo un libro a reflexionar sobre el baile de Israel Galván. En “El Bailaor de Soledades” el autor  escucha, observa y revela el arte del bailaor. “Israel Galván no se muestra. Aparece.”, nos dice Didi-Huberman.

Jul 2011 |

Arquitecturas Invisibles: Junya Ishigami en la Barbican Art Gallery | MARISA GÓMEZ


28/06 - 16/11/2011

No ver para creer… este es el secreto de la instalación Architecture as Air del arquitecto japonés Junya Ishigami.

Se trata de una reelaboración de la pieza con la que Ishigami ganó el año pasado el León  de Oro de la 12 Bienal de Arquitectura de Venecia. Adaptada esta vez al espacio de la Curve Gallery de la Barbican Art Gallery (Londres), se trata de una estructura tan delicada y transparente que a penas puede verse.

Jun 2011 |

Holy Pop! The making of Icons in Contemporary Culture | CHRISTINA GRAMMATIKOPOULOU


The power to educate or to seduce, to heal or to scare, to tame or to arouse, to unite or to divide...

From cave murals to digital pictures, images have always had a profound impact on human thought.

Hence, they’ve been often seen as carriers of ideas, used by the political or religious leadership in order to propagate ideologies and direct the masses towards one direction or the other.

Jun 2011 |

Communions, litanies, rituals and apparitions | STEPHANIE BERTRAND


Written in response to the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art’s invitation to speak on the subject of art and worship, the following three short essays suggest possible readings of selected works by three contemporary artists that engage with significantly different concerns through their practice.

Jun 2011 |

Bill Viola: Mater Dolorosa. Imagines pietatis | MARO PSYRRA



BILL VIOLA, Dolorosa, 2000, Color video diptych on two freestanding vertical LCD flat panels framed and hinged together, 11 minute loop, 16 X 24 1/2 X 5 3/4 inches, Edition of 5


Jun 2011 |

El arte de lo espiritual. Fe y modernidad en la pintura de principios del siglo XX | MIGUEL FERNANDEZ BELMONTE

Jun 2011 |

Damien Hirst "New Religion" [2011, JUN]



Text by: Stela Anastasaki

“…I just can’t help thinking that science is the new religion for many people.
It’s as simple and as complicated as that really.”*
Damien Hirst

What is the new religion today? Is it Science, Religion, Art or a mixture of all of these?


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