Cover Image: D. Desai and P. Dasgupta
Street Art and its languages | MODESTA DI PAOLA and MARCO MONDINO (Italian, Spanish, English)
Purring session with M.CHAT | ALEX DE QUERZEN (English) (French)
STATE-SANCTIONED ICONOCLASM: A question and an answer concerning the <em>damnatio memoriae</em>of a radical gesture | LIA YOKA AND ORESTIS PANGALOS (English)
Visual Public Service: al servicio de la comunidad | PEDRO DONOSO (Spanish)
Imaging a Transient History: Murals in the Lower East Side, NYC | DIPTI DESAI AND PRRIYANKA DASGUPTA (English)
Gentle Interventions. Street artist Hioshi’s fragile critique of Russian ways | IAROSLAV VOLOVOD (English)
L.A. Streetwalkers: Female Artists Telling Stories on the Streets | ELIZABETH DASTIN (English)
When Street Art is Politics: The Case of the Italian Blu | MARIA DOMENICA ARCURI (English)
Espacios híbridos y reescrituras urbanas El caso del MAAM - Museo dell’Altro e dell’Altrove di Metropoliz_città meticcia | CRISTINA GRECO, ELIA CORNELIO-MARÍ (Spanish) (Italian)
Online Exhibition
Ludic Subterranea | CANDICE P. BOYD WITH PANDA (English)
Animistic Temples | ALEX SIMOPOULOS (English)
# Dirtynewmedia Street Art | DOMENICO BARRA (English)
Painting Finca Bonita | JOSÉ FAUSTO MOTA MATA (English) (Spanish)