Bill Viola’s Buried Secrets and narrative installation | MARO PSYRRA
Histoire(s) du Cinéma de Godard: El tiempo y la historia | MARISA GOMEZ
Inhaling theory, exhaling art: From Antonin Artaud’s word to Marina Abramović’s action | CHRISTINA GRAMMATIKOPOULOU
Osama Esid y el paradigma orientalista | HERMAN BASHIRON MENDOLICCHIO
Provoking the spectator. Las Meninas by Joel Peter Witkin | EVI PAPADOPOULOU
Rastros orgánicos y decadencia sostenida: sobre la obra de Jordi Benito | LUCILA VILELA
Reapproaching the collector’s outlook. The collection of Efi Andreadou-Piplikatsi | ARETI LEOPOULOU
Un único ángel | VICTOR DA ROSA
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