Apr 2011 |

Breathe! Respiration, breath and whispers in contemporary artistic practices | CHRISTINA GRAMMATIKOPOULOU

Notes and personal memories from a two day conference in Barcelona

español ελληνικά

Apr 2011 |

Respira! Respiración, aliento y susurros en las prácticas artísticas contemporáneas | CHRISTINA GRAMMATIKOPOULOU

Notas y memorias personales sobre dos jornadas en la Universidad de Barcelona

english ελληνικά

Apr 2011 |

Αναπνεύστε! Αναπνοή, ανάσες και ψίθυροι στις σύγχρονες καλλιτεχνικές πρακτικές | ΧΡΙΣΤΙΝΑ ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΙΚΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ

Σημειώσεις και προσωπικές αναμνήσεις από δύο ημερίδες στο Πανεπιστήμιο της Βαρκελώνης

español english

Apr 2011 |

Dia Internacional da Dança | LUCILA VILELA


Dia 29 de abril se celebra o Dia Internacional da Dança. Promovido pelo Conselho Internacional de Dança da UNESCO, a data comemora o nascimento de Jean-Georges Noverre (1727-1810), bailarino e mestre de dança.

Apr 2011 |

Fare il proprio tempo! Oltre l’onnipresenza del presente (PARTE I) | VANIA BALDI





Dimmi come tratti il presente e ti dirò che filosofo sei

Charles Péguy


Apr 2011 |

Tradurre l’intraducibile: Kutluğ Ataman tra linguaggio e contraddizione | MODESTA DI PAOLA





Kutluğ Ataman: Qual è la parola giusta? Non è conflitto e neppure incoerenza, ma…?

Hans Ulrich Obrist: Tensione?

Apr 2011 |

Aggelika Panagiotidou “A white path” [2011, APR]


Text by: Evi Papadopoulou

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A white path
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“White is not a dead silence, but one pregnant with possibilities. It has the appeal of the nothingness that is before birth, of the world in the ice age”.

Wassily Kandinsky, Concerning the Spiritual in Art


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