Mar 2013 |

Online Exhibition: CASS | ANDRÉ HEMER



"Sampling freely from conventional and new media sources, and adding his own interpretations to the mix, Hemer emphasises the sense of separation these endlessly multiplied facsimiles create, relating it to the physical inaccessibility of Cass itself, currently stored within the earthquake-closed Christchurch Art Gallery building."[1]

Mar 2013 |

Online Exhibition: Dubus | ALEXEI DMITRIEV


Dubus from Alexei Dmitriev on Vimeo.


Director: Alexei Dmitriev / Music: Zelany Rashoho
Russia / 2005 / 04’09’’
B&W / DV-PAL / 4:3 / Stereo

A slow dance of the classical cinema to the music of Zelany Rashoho.

Mar 2013 |

Online Exhibition: The Coldplay Song Generator / Copy This Drive / Sample Chest | NICK BRIZ


The Coldplay Song Generator


Mar 2013 |

Text: The Irreverent Plagiarists. After Sherrie Levine, Michael Mandiberg and Hermann Zschiegner | DANIELA DUCA



“Good artist borrows, great artist steals” is a statement that is commonly believed to have been coined by Picasso. A more thorough search reveals though that T.S. Eliot had already alleged another almost identical statement: “Talent imitates, genius steals”. Picasso stole Eliot’s line and thereby proved his genius. This very ironic example seems to be an ideal preamble for the highly provocative speculations on authorship, originality, appropriation, and plagiarism, which this paper aims to address.

Mar 2013 |

Text: Piratical Practices | NICK BRIZ




“It is empirically true that the law of what we now call intellectual property has often lagged behind piratical practices, and indeed that virtually all its central principles, such as copyright, were developed in response to piracy. To assume that piracy merely derives from legal doctrine is to get the historyand therefore the politics, and much else besidesback to front” [1]


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