Visual culture

May 2017 |

We are here. Interview with Gandolfo Gabriele David | MODESTA DI PAOLA


Gandolfo Gabriele David’s work reveals the ontological necessity to establish an ethical and political dimension of hospitality between cultures and societies in contemporary artistic production. This ontological necessity has led his interests to reflect on hospitality as the modernist idea that encourages all human beings - regardless of their political affiliation - to be (or attempt to be) citizens in a single community, taking into consideration topics such as immigration, diaspora, and negotiation of identities, David increases the importance of the analysis on the problem of t

May 2017 |

Nuevos tiempos para la fotografía documental | MARISA GÓMEZ


Durante los próximos meses, la ciudad de Barcelona se convertirá en una suerte de epicentro del panorama fotográfico internacional actual. World Press Photo acaba de abrir sus puertas en el CCCB, mientras que FotoPres lo ha hecho en CaixaForum y la exposición Disorder, del Premio Global de Fotografía y Sostenibilidad Prix Pictet podrá verse en el Palau Robert hasta el 28 de mayo.

Apr 2017 |

Historia(s) de la Imagen Digital | MARISA GÓMEZ


«Cometeríamos un error grotesco de subestimación si quisiéramos interpretar
el apuntador del ratón de un Macintosh como resultado de un proceso evolutivo del lápiz»

– Gui Bonsiepe,
Sobre Función, Forma, Diseño y Software

Oct 2016 |

Espacios híbridos y reescrituras urbanas El caso del MAAM - Museo dell’Altro e dell’Altrove di Metropoliz_città meticcia | CRISTINA GRECO, ELIA CORNELIO-MARÍ



Oct 2016 |

Spazi ibridi e riscritture urbane. Il caso MAAM - Museo dell’Altro e dell’Altrove di Metropoliz_città meticcia | CRISTINA GRECO, ELIA CORNELIO-MARÍ



  1. Introduzione[1]
Oct 2016 |

When Street Art is Politics: The Case of the Italian Blu | MARIA DOMENICA ARCURI


When we talk about the phenomenon of street art we have to consider both its features and the urban space with which it interacts.

Oct 2016 |

Gentle Interventions. Street artist Hioshi’s fragile critique of Russian ways | IAROSLAV VOLOVOD


Public art is conventionally associated with formidable forms and colossal sizes. However, recent artistic practice occasionally testifies to quite the contrary.

Working incognito under the cryptic pseudonym Hioshi, the Siberian-born post-graffiti artist is known for incorporating small-sized artworks into the urban fabric of St. Petersburg.

Oct 2016 |

L.A. Streetwalkers: Female Artists Telling Stories on the Streets | ELIZABETH DASTIN


Since the beginning of the 20th century, artists have treated the streets as their canvas and political platform. For instance, in 1917 during the Russian Revolution, members of the Russian avant-garde relied on cutting edge posters to inspire, gather and activate the new, working citizen. Since the next few decades were riddled with war, the popularity and necessity of poster art grew with equal fervor.


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