Digital Art

May 2014 |

Perdurar en Movimiento. De migraciones, reinterpretaciones y ramificaciones. Entrevista a Leandro Katz* | VANINA HOFMAN



Jan 2014 |

“The wilderness in the machine”: Glitch and the poetics of error | CHRISTINA GRAMMATIKOPOULOU

Grand Wizard Theodore Scratching

Bodies and machines are defined by function: as long as they operate correctly, they remain imperceptible; they become a part of the process of perception, as the extension of the action that engages the Self with the world.[1]

Nov 2013 |

Tecnología, Música y Artes Visuales en Directo: MIRA Festival 2013 | MARISA GÓMEZ


El pasado mes de Noviembre el MIRA Festival de Música y Artes Visuales volvió a Barcelona para acercarnos una vez más al panorama actual de las intersecciones entre música y espectáculo visual, con las nuevas tecnologías como trasfondo, hilo conductor y elemento mediador entre los dos ámbitos.

Nov 2013 |



What is a waterfall? A cascade of water tumbling over boulders, brilliant in the sun, beckoning backpackers with sturdy leather boots to climb into remote, magical valleys? Or inspiring tourists to follow road signs to popular, sublime spectacles, such as Niagara Falls. Or the path taken by droplets of moisture falling to the sidewalk from an air conditioner hanging out of the window of an eleventh-floor apartment in NYC.

Aug 2013 |

The "Space of Flows" as Social Imaginary: Interpretation and Representation in Digital Artistic Practices (Part II) | MARISA GÓMEZ


Part I

The Spatial Logic of Flows

Jul 2013 |

The "Space of Flows" as Social Imaginary: Interpretation and Representation in Digital Artistic Practices (Part I) | MARISA GÓMEZ


Part II

According to many scholars, the cultural change produced by the ICTs has entailed a modification in the traditional notions of space and time, as basic coordinates of human experience and as socially and historically constructed notions.


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