Critical cartography of art & visuality in the global age. Geoaesthetics, politics and labour | ART GLOBALIZATION INTERCULTURALITY



Second International Conference
October 29-30, 2015, Barcelona, Spain

Organized by: AGI | Art, Globalization, Interculturality
Department of Art History, University of Barcelona

critical-cartography-of-art-second-conference-2015Any diagnosis about globalization is associated with a set of subjects, practices and institutions whose activity -or whose agreements and alliances- shape our World-System one way or another. Issues such as the “Ideological Apparatuses” that determine global politics and economy, the positioning of regions and locations in centers or peripheries, or the transformations of the productive sphere are realities that define the development of a social totality increasingly dependent of processes of transnational scope. In fact, one could say that the “displacement” of these processes -that are intertwined both with geopolitics and the economy- would come to express the inherent complexity of “contemporary being”.

Based on these premises, the Second International Conference CRITICAL CARTOGRAPHY OF ART AND VISUALITY IN THE GLOBAL AGE intends to map a scene where politics, geography and economics have gained a decisive role in contemporary art practices. Thus, the key policies that articulate our cultural present are set in context; this suggests not losing sight of the “artistic impact” of the emergence of conflicts and antagonisms that have come to revive the potential of “common action”. Alongside this, the geoaesthetic dimension will be reclaimed as a “discipline” to interpret those practices and discourses that are likely to redefine -or at least to question- the relations between the centre and the periphery. Finally, both politics and geoaesthetics may serve to consider work reorganization; especially when taking into account the role of policies that “position” the activities carried out by individuals in specific coordinates.

Thus we have politics, geoaesthetics and labour; three ways to interpret artistic practices and everything that competes with them -in order to establish a dialogue with questions deriving from disciplines such as Visual Studies, postcolonial criticism or political ecology -without discarding gender issues and New Materialism. Only from this deliberately interdisciplinary engagement will it be possible to renew the critical art potential and the discourses proposed through artistic praxis. This way, the Second International Conference CRITICAL CARTOGRAPHY OF ART AND VISUALITY IN THE GLOBAL AGE wants to continue investing in a methodology that serves to interpret a world whose principles -or paradigms- outline a new horizon: albeit, ultimately, a horizon that poses more questions than answers.

Director: Anna Maria Guasch Ferrer
Coordinator: Rafael Pinilla
Services: Simultaneous translation English-Spanish, Spanish-English for all talks

Abstract Submission

How to submit:
Papers, creative projects and other non-traditional presentations exploring the aforementioned topics are welcome. Please note that at this time the conference organizers cannot provide travel grants or accommodation stipends for presenters.

A completed application form (attached) including a 300 word abstract and a short biography should be submitted to by May 15th, 2015.

Authors will be notified of their acceptance for a panel by June 15th, 2015. Presenters must confirm their participation by June 30th, 2015.


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