Open Call | POPPOSITIONS 2018




How do we imagine and envision a future beyond the evergrowing ruins of capitalism and increasing ecological and economic instability? Are artists capable of making this old and dying world anew, or at least to create possible worlds? Can we conceive of artistic praxis as an expression of shared concern and mutual care? Can it play a role in surpassing the rigid nature/culture divide, or be questioning an anthropocentric framework? This is a call for artistic imagination as a way of world-making or ‘worlding’, concretized in an event that assembles and articulates different positions.

POPPOSITIONS was established by Liv Vaisberg and Pieter Vermeulen in 2012 as a counterpoint to mainstream art fairs, and has grown as the leading fair offering an alternative market for contemporary art. In the past six years, POPPOSITIONS has been dealing with questions of artistic agency, self-organisation, cynicism and criticality in order to shape its profile within the cultural and economic landscape. For the second edition in a row, Niekolaas Johannes Lekkerkerk (The Office for Curating, NL) will act as the artistic director.

Application Deadline: 11 December 2017

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