17.7. - 30.7., Folkestone, UK - hosted by Bean
Deadline for proposals: 31st of March 2017
'Nomadic Village is an act of resistance, a call for collectivity, community and fun. It's very rare to find arts opportunities that provide the conditions to both produce provocative, critically engaged artworks and have a good time along the way. It is satirical and heartfelt, temporary and continuous. It weaves its way along the fringes of the fringes and gets under the fabric of society in the best possible way.' [Bean]
We are calling for project proposals in the area of contemporary arts, science and activism. Participants preferably should come to the Nomadic Village with their own mobile abodes, from which we will create a small village; an autonomous environment in which we can dedicate ourselves to the projects, form spontaneous collaborations and immerse in the dynamics of a micro society. We will live and work for two weeks quite visibly to the public. We will follow our own set of rules or non-rules, illustrating our attitudes through our practice as well as through our presence.
Nomadic Village was found in 2009 by Austrian artist Klaus Mähring. He is directing the project in a generous mayor-style, always making sure what's best for his 'citizens'. In 2017 we will have Nomadic Village veteran Bean as our host. From 17th till 30th of July we will set up the Nomadic Village in the harbour of Folkestone, Kent, UK (location details tbc). We hope the location inspires and agitates; with views to north looking at the town and the UK, and to the south looking at the EU mainland.
Nomadic Village will provide a basic infrastructure and an interesting location. After a final exhibition on site, some of the works will hit the roads of Europe, in the Galeria Nowhere travelling exhibition.
The Nomadic Village will provide • an inspiring location • Facilities - including kitchen, electricity, toilets, running water, wifi. • All the ingredients to prepare good vegetarian food • Contact to the local community • Dizel Grant opportunity (see below) • Letters of invitation and other support to enable you to raise additional funds.
• 17th-19th of July arrival and set up
• 20th - 28th of July production time
• 29th & 30th of July final exhibition
• August – September Galeria Nowhere Travelling exhibition
The Dizel Grant
The Dizel Grant is an uncomplicated small grant to support the participants’ travel to the Nomadic Village and to support their funding efforts. It is for those whose cost of travel is high, especially when it comes to diesel. We highly encourage you to discuss this with us before submission and we can give you an idea of the level of support we can provide on a case by case basis.
we are always happy if you contact us (e-mail, phone) before submitting a proposal; we like to get to know you.
We are happy if your project proposal is brief and to the point. Make sure we get a good idea of your project and who you are. Please also list what/who you'd bring along (vehicle, partners, assistants, kids, pets).
contact Klaus: +43 680 5000053 or 2017@nomadic.cd
We will notify you of the selection by mid-April
The digital age has seen the emergence of a new kind of nomadic artists; using production and communication tools like computers, mobile internet, gps, digital video and more, they can stay connected and follow through their works from beginning to end while being on the road. In contrast to mainstream discourse, in which art theory, history and the urban-social context are the main inspirations, this nomadic discourse is one of dealing very closely with people, nature, real it and oneself, while still being in contact with the world through the virtual community of the world wide web. The vehicles are ateliers and homes, facilitating a constant movement that brings endless experience and inspiration, whilst transporting artistic discourse to audiences previously too remote to benefit from it.
Hosted by Bean
Having founded ]performance s p a c e [ in 2011 with artist Benjamin Sebastian my passion remains in facilitating performance, time-based and political work. I am interested in projects that connect people and enliven communities and believe in the transformative power of art on both micro (personal) and macro (global) levels.
Directed by Klaus Mähring
By driving around, I find pictures, people, places... For me being on the road means finding and navigating those unchartered 'inbetweens' that leave space for experiments and discovery.
Further information on the Nomadic Village
information: nomadic.cd
stories: nomadicvillage.blogspot.co.at
social media: facebook.com/NomadicVillage
see you on the road!
Captain Klaus & Bean