Call for texts and art projects:
Art and New Media in Latin America
**Submission deadline extended to September 26, 2016**
For the publication of its issue #90, the digital journal InterArtive will edit an special issue dedicated to the intersections between Art and New Media in the geopolitical and cultural context of Latin America. We invite scholars, critics, curators and artists who work on this subject to participate.
From the middle of the last century, the relationships between art and technoscientific media have constantly increased. Especially from the 90’s, these relationships have given rise to a whole series of hybrid art practices such as, interactive multimedia installations or bioart, which have meant a critical questioning of the production, exhibition, distribution, consumption, receipt or conservation strategies traditionally linked to the art practice.
The construction of narratives about this phenomenon has usually met a hegemonic, centered vision, which sets out a look to the North American and European contexts and leaves little space to account for other realities. However, and despite being considered a global issue, the so-called «New Media Art» seems to have had an unequal development and establishment in different local contexts. This would be due to the reach of technoscientific media themselves within different societies, but would also depend on the existing artistic-cultural infrastructure, which enables their integration as creative means.
The aim of this especial issue is to make visible these «other» dynamics of New Media Art that happen specifically in the Latin American context, either considering the perspective of the tensions between center and periphery - both stressing or questioning it - or the point of view of the similarities and differences that arise in such a wide and diverse territory.
Proposals that consider one or more of the following topics, among others, will be accepted:
- History/Histories of the intersections between art, science and technology in Latin America and/or its different regions: innovating projects, artists, trends, movements, etc.
- Art practices produced in the context of Latin America that integrate the new technologic and scientific media as creative means: projects dealing with, software art, virtual reality, augmented reality, sound and visual experimentation, performance, dance, interactive installation, bioart, etc.
- Problems linked to the production, distribution, exhibition, conservation, etc. of New Media Art, as well as to its dissemination, training/education, etc. on these areas in the context of Latin America.
- Initiatives and projects (festivals, exhibitions, learning programs, labs, databases, etc.) aimed to foster reflection and exchange about the intersections between art and techno-science in Latin America and/or its different regions.
The length of the texts should be kept between 800 and 3000 words: Text Publishing Guidelines (pdf)
Artworks and art projects will be published in the form of Online Exhibition (images and short text): Artwork Publishing Guidelines (pdf)
Proposals should be submitted by 15th 26th September 2016, by email at:
E-mail title: "Art + New Media in Latin America Submission"
The Issue #90 of InterArtive will be published at the end of November 2016.