Joint Open Call - Ibn Battûta Artistic Mobility Funding Alliance – Deadline for applications: 30thJune 2015

The Roberto Cimetta Fund, the Russian Theatre Union and Arts Network Asia are launching a joint open call for travel grants from 1st June to 30th June 2015. This joint call aims to provide easier access to travel grants and promote mobility of artists and cultural operators for the protection of cultural diversity and the development of local art scenes. Set up in March 2015, the Ibn Battûta Artistic Alliance aims to group together funding and regranting organisations in an effort to widen the possibilities of exchange.
This first joint call is open to artists and cultural operators living and working in Russia, Asia, Europe and the Arab geographical zone who have their own projects and need to travel but cannot find the funds for their round-trip ticket and visa costs. It will be launched on 1st June 2015 for one month (deadline for applications: 30th June 2015).
To apply, please read the following instructions
Only the following geographical routes are currently eligible:
- Russia inbound from Asia only for the Theatre Convention in September 2015, City of Khabarovsk. To apply click here
- Asia outbound from Russia only for major events in the performing arts sector only in which a Russian participant brings an input into the event (presentation, report, etc.). To apply click here
- Travel within Asia1. To apply click here
- Circulation from the Euro-Arab geographical zone to Malta and vice-versa, or within the Euro-Arab geographical zone for collaborative work specific to Malta. To apply click here
- Circulation from or to the County of the Bouches du Rhône (France). Circulation from Algiers, Gyumri, the Region of Barcelona, Haïfa, the Province of Genova, Marrakech, Bethlehem, Tunis to destinations within the Euro-Arab geographical zone. To apply click here
General eligibility criteria
The following general criteria apply to the Ibn Battûta mobility funding alliance:
- The aim of the travel must show potential for a constructive and long-term impact on the arts sector in a concrete, localised context in one of the geographical regions of the alliance;
- Applications must be made by individuals not organisations. Only one application can be made per call;
- Applicants must choose the cheapest form of transport and can only apply for one international return travel ticket and visa costs2 per application.
Applicants will be advised of the results of their applications no later than two months following the close of the respective call. The first call will open on 1st June 2015 and will remain open until 30th June 2015. Applicants will be advised of the results of this call by 1st August 2015.
Administration and Evaluation
The call will be administered by the Roberto Cimetta Fund, the Russian Theatre Union and Arts Network Asia and evaluated by their respective expert committees. Funds will be released by these organisations to successful applicants after travel and upon submission of proof of travel and written report (unless otherwise noted).
Further Information
More details on the call can be found on the websites of the Roberto Cimetta Fund, the Russian Theatre Union and Arts Network Asia,,
1 – The Arts Network Asia call is open all year round
2 – RTU doesn’t cover visa costs