Cover Image: Leandro Katz
Perdurar en Movimiento. De migraciones, reinterpretaciones y ramificaciones. Entrevista a Leandro Katz | VANINA HOFMAN
Museum + Mobility. Case study on international touring exhibitions | REBECCA AMSELLEM
Playing With Collaborative Structures | YINZERSPIELEN & TURBO PASCAL
Remembering the air: Luce Irigaray’s ontology of breath | CHRISTINA GRAMMATIKOPOULOU
(english) (spanish)
Sigmund Freud y Dino Buzzati. La mirada, el deseo y la enfermedad. (Parte I) | MODESTA DI PAOLA
(spanish) (italian)
Doble interacción de Lozano-Hemmer | PALOMA G. DÍAZ
Online Exhibition:
Diego Ballestrasse “Set” | Text by Herman Bashiron Mendolicchio
(text in english, spanish, portuguese, italian, greek)