This inter- and multi-disciplinary project aims to examine, explore and critically engage with issues created by the massive exploitation of digital technologies for inter-human communication in respect to arts, technology, media and history. The project will attend to both theoretical and practical debates concerning (co-)production, (re-)mediation, dissemination, personal/mass interpretation and preservation in relation to cultural contexts of and intersections between digital and classical arts.
Proposals, presentations, workshops and reports are invited on any of the following themes:
1. Digital Art, Interactive Art, Digital Art History
-Theories and concepts
-Identifying key features and critical issues
-Artists and movements
2. Externalisation and Mediation of Art
-The role of digital (re)-presentation and (re)-interpretation technologies
-Critical and popular reception studies
3. Digital Art History and Aesthetics
-Methodologies for researching digital art history
-The role of digital media in the production of historical studies of classical and new art
-The value of integrating digital media into the study of art history
-Representational principles for works of art
4. Digital Cultural Heritage
-Virtual museums today
-Collection-building and curatorial practices
-Multimodal Interfaces
-Emergent technologies
-Augmented and virtual reality
-Spatial representation
-Social tagging
5. Archiving and Disseminating Digital Art
-Nextgen art databases and image collections
-Digitisation and dissemination of classical art
-Digital art preservation
-Media libraries and their uses
-Strategies for recording and archiving of live events and performances
-Innovative interfaces for dissemination of art
-Open Data
-Open Access
-Business/economic dimensions of digital art production
6. Art and Big Data
-Cultural visualizations and mapping
-Collaborative use and access
-Big data as art
7. Creativity and Education
-Art and art education for the public
-Digital art and art history education: pedagogies and perspectives
-Creative Europe
8. Interactive Media and Robotic Technology as Digital Art
-Computer games and virtual reality as art
-Robot painting
-Artificial intelligence
-Sound and noise art
Presentations, performances and papers will be accepted which deal with related areas and themes. The Steering Group particularly welcomes the submission of pre-formed panel proposals.
In order to support and encourage interdisciplinarity engagement, it is our intention to create the possibility of starting dialogues between the parallel events running during this conference. Delegates are welcome to attend up to two sessions in each of the concurrent conferences. We also propose to produce cross-over sessions between these groups – and we welcome proposals which deal with the relationship between Beauty and The Digital Arts.
Deadline: Friday 4th April 2014