The "Space of Flows" as Social Imaginary: Interpretation and Representation in Digital Artistic Practices (Part I) | MARISA GÓMEZ (english)
Searching for Kalpana Chakma | SHAHIDUL ALAM (english)
Fútbol y Arte en las fotografías de Caio Vilela | LUCILA VILELA (spanish) (portuguese)
Arte Contemporáneo en la UB. Fundació Sorigué | HERMAN BASHIRON MENDOLICCHIO (spanish)
Of an apocalyptic tone recently adopted in politics. The structure of M5S visual ideology | TOMMASO GUARIENTO (spanish) (italian)
I’m still alive. Los días de On Kawara. El destino de la modernidad (Parte II) | GIOVANNI TUSA (spanish) (italian)
Online Gallery:
Tamara Andrade "Mergulhador" [2013, JUN] | Text by: Lucila Vilela