Scenocosme "To touch in order to perceive... the imperceptible" [2012, MAY]



Text by: Marisa Gómez

Fluids by Scenocosme from Le Pixel Blanc on Vimeo.

Matières sensibles de Scenocosme from Le Pixel Blanc on Vimeo.

Imaginary Encounters by Scenocosme from Le Pixel Blanc on Vimeo.

Lights contacts de Scenocosme from Le Pixel Blanc on Vimeo.

Scenocosme: To touch in order to perceive… the imperceptible

Scenocosme’s (Gregory Lasserre y Anais met den Ancxt) interactive installations bring us closer to the invisible universe regarding our relationships with our surroundings, and reveal it to us by “translating” it to sound and light languages.

By creating intimate contexts, highly poetic and theatrically natured, their works immerse us in a technologically augmented reality that allows us to hear and to see the energy that we generate when interacting with natural elements and other people. Scenocosme turns plants, water, stones, wood or spectators themselves into part of a scenography that invites us to touch its different elements, to experiment with diverse forms of contact or to play with proximity and distance. All this, both to let us explore this energy and to create, by means of this energy – through its different intensities and natures – changing audiovisual forms that express the hidden side of our modus of being in space with the living and lifeless objects with which we share it. Lights Contacts, Akousmaflore, Kymapetra, Fluides o Ecorces are works that set and, at the same time, put these sensibilities into play.

Thus, between the natural and the technological, between the real and the imaginary, between light, touch and sound, Scenocosme creates a unique symbolic universe that makes perceptible things that, a priori, are imperceptible. And they make this universe accessible, not only for us to explore it – contributing, by means of physical interaction, to an expansion of its aesthetic limits – but also to approach, through it, the different dimensions of our reality and the ways we relate to them.

Secenocosme: Tocar para percibir… lo imperceptible

Las instalaciones interactivas de Scenocosme (Gregory Lasserre y Anais met den Ancxt) nos acercan al universo invisible que envuelve nuestras relaciones con el entorno, y nos lo revelan “traduciéndolo” a lenguajes de luz y sonido.

Creando contextos intimistas, de corte teatral y fuerte carga poética, sus obras nos sumergen en una realidad tecnológicamente aumentada que nos permite ver y oír la energía que generamos al interactuar con los elementos de la naturaleza y con otras personas. Scenocosme convierte las plantas, el agua, las piedras, la madera o a los propios espectadores en parte de una escenografía que nos invita a tocar sus distintos elementos, a experimentar diversas formas de contacto o a jugar con la proximidad y la distancia. Todo ello, tanto para permitirnos explorar esta energía como crear, a partir de la misma – de sus distintas intensidades y naturalezas – formas audiovisuales cambiantes que expresan ese lado oculto de nuestro modo de ser y estar en el espacio con los objetos vivos e inertes con los que lo compartimos. Lights Contacts, Akousmaflore, Kymapetra, Fluides o Ecorces son piezas que concretan y, al mismo tiempo, ponen en juego estas sensibilidades.

Así, entre lo natural y lo tecnológico, entre lo real y lo imaginario, entre lo visual, lo táctil y lo sonoro, Scenocosme crea un universo simbólico único mediante el que hace